Fee: $449
The We The People Status Judgment Package can be used to finalize your divorce or legal separation. This Package can be used whether or not you and your spouse have children, or have property and debts that need to be divided.
* The fees above do not include filing, recording, or courier service fees.
The We The People Status Judgment Package can be used to finalize your divorce or legal separation. This Package can be used whether or not you and your spouse have children, or have property and debts that need to be divided.
You may have found that doing the first set of divorce or legal separation documents on your own was fairly simple. Finalizing the process, however, can look a lot more daunting.
You can start preparing your Judgment Package approximately 30 days after your spouse has been given a copy of the Petition or after he or she has filed a Response to your Petition. The soonest anyone can be divorced in California is six months and one day after the spouse has been served with a copy of the Petition (this date of service is called the “jurisdiction date”).
If you initially had an attorney when you started your divorce, you will also need to let the Court know that the attorney will no longer be acting on your behalf. The We The People® Substitution of Attorney form can help you do this for an additional cost.
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